Whenever I have a parenting related question I trust more other mums’ advice that anything I could read in a book or magazine.
This is why, to follow the article Children Eczema: Products that really work, we have decided to seek your advice on another very common problem with babies: colic. We asked our followers on Facebook and Twitter to tell us what worked for them and their colicky babies.
First of all, what is colic?
Colic is one of the mysteries of nature. Nobody knows what it really is, but everyone has an opinion. In the typical situation, the baby starts to have crying spells about two to three weeks after birth. These occur mainly in the evening, and finally stop when the baby is about three months old (occasionally older). When the baby cries, he is often inconsolable, though if he is walked, rocked or taken for a walk, he may settle temporarily. For a baby to be called colicky, it is necessary that he be gaining weight well and be otherwise healthy. However, even if the baby is gaining weight well, sometimes the baby is crying because he is still hungry.
Here are your recommendations to treat or improve colic in breastfed babies
1. Diet: Remove the following foods: Dairy, Chocolate, Spices, Caffeine, Onions, Broccoli, Cabbage, Garlic, Beans, Tomato, Califlower, Wheat : Go gluten free
2. Burp the baby a lot, during and after feedings
3. Feed the baby on a more upright position (sitting up)
4. Do some leg exercises with your little one
5. Watch your milk flow: too much too fast can cause colic (Overactive Letdown Reflex)
6. Use Gripe Water
7. Massage can really work wonders for your little one. Check out all the massage classes we have on Meetmums
8. Get baby checked for lip tie and posterior tongue tie, as this can affect their latch and cause colic.
9. Try drinking:
- Chamomile tea with a pinch of sugar
Chamomile relaxes intestinal spasms and promotes a calm mental state. In fact, some research suggests that the active chemicals in chamomile have the same effect on the brain as a mild sedative, but without the side effects. Steep tea for five minutes, cool it to room temperature, and then put 1 to 2 ounces in a bottle.
- Fennel Tea for baby and mum
10. Peppermint oil rubbed on mums nipple before breastfeeding
Is there anything else you could add to this list?